I’d like to kick off the new year by saying three things:
Congrats, you made it through 2020!
It’s okay to be feeling overwhelmed right now. Monday’s are hard, January’s are hard, working during a global pandemic is hard.
And the big question, what do you want to accomplish this year?
New year, new intentions. Do you want to workout more? Stress less? What about turning your favourite hobby into an actual authentic business?
2021 is the time to invest in something you get excited about and with my help, I can turn your new business into a future of freedom.
Over the past decade I studied and earned a degree in business. I was a professional dancer in the commercial and contemporary industry, toiled in the biz of television, film, and live events. Now, I have built an internationally renowned company, working with businesses big and small - to launch and build careers. And I wouldn’t change that for the world! I want you to know that as someone who has pivot after pivot I realize how daunting and risky it might feel to go from your comfortable career to a new unsecured plan. However, trust me when I say, there is no better time than right now. In these times of crisis it’s actually the perfect time to reset and rethink - and if that means you want to jump on board and pursue your own business then trust assured I can assist you in achieving that.
Whatever the path, I’m offering you some tips on how to “get it done” - in your career and your life. Because organization is key!
A Pro Tip For You:
Make a daily plan and journal. I have four journals, seriously. These journals are used for different tasks, I have a notebook for chicken-scratch notes, I have a journal used for productivity and organization in order for me to plan my week effectively.
Writing it all down helps you avoid distractions: You’ll work in shorter, more focused bursts. Journals are designed for weekly planning and reflection to assist you in building a successful week. At the end of each day and week, you will reflect on how effective you were, helping you learn your patterns, and how to improve for tomorrow.
Stil Planner
From daily affirmations, to prompts that encourage you to reflect and evaluate - writing and planning in your journals/notebooks/planners is an inspiring way to start and end each day. Accomplish what’s important, write your plans and goals down and focus.
This is a vital task that moves you closer to your dreams and big wins. It’s important when you’re thinking of starting a business to always look back on your writing and remind yourself why you’re doing it and where you’re going. It’s so easy to lose sight of your goal when times get tough. When this happens, always refer back to your writing.
This year I am bringing my experience and knowledge to you.
With years of experience in a variety of different fields, my advice and business templates will allow us to build your business to serve your needs and ultimately, bring you success.