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Everyone needs a Publicist


Because PR is crucial for your business’s success.

First off, what is public relations?

While sometimes, (often) misconstrued, public relations is the professional maintenance of a company (person or brand) in the public eye. It is the art of telling a story to impact consumer behaviours of any products, service and the management of a reputation to the public audience - through the power of media. Public relations works hand in hand with marketing, as a nuanced and necessary facet of your business.

Who are we?

We are the people who get you featured in top tier publications, the drivers of all things influence. The dedicated individuals who craft your winning stories to build your brand. We connect culture, action influence and engage awareness through earned opportunities. We live at the intersection of brands and consumers, leveraging earned media to build your brand.

Know that public relations is different from advertising.

There’s an old saying: “Advertising is what you pay for, publicity is what you pray for.”

Advertising is paid media, public relations is earned media.

Need we say more here?

Why do you need us?

Well, it’s simple, everybody loves to say “As featured in XX magazine” or “As seen on XX show on TV”. Why? Because this builds immense credibility. And to get those features, you need us. To connect the dots between your brand, your influence, your engagement and ultimately your exposure - you need us.

We are the voice behind the scenes building the steps to help you get to the top.

“If I was down to my last dollar, I'd spend it on public relations.” - Bill Gates

PR agencies are true partners to their clients.

We’re in this together. It’s critical for PR experts to be an extension of their clients, and not just an outside resource. PR experts act as more than a tactical vessel for outreach - we drive the culture within your brand.

Nobody said PR was easy…

PR is a constantly evolving field - a huge opportunity. The last 15 years of my life have allowed me to master the world of PR and become an expert at all the essential tools needed for a business’s success.

So now, I'm bringing my experience and knowledge to you. I’m here to be your PR coach, help you build your authentic business and give you every bit of advice and expertise I have to offer with my business templates.

Remember: when used appropriately, PR can make a company. Public relations is vital for any brand, a well-thought-out PR strategy creates a positive image for a long time and ensures stable company success. Now is your chance, let me help you!

This template is a pool of knowledge, an inside look into how we create the perfect pitch to get secured in top tier media. And on the plus side - I’m here to help walk you through the entire process!

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